MOACAC College Fair Access Grant

Welcome to the MOACAC College Fair Access Grant Page! We are thrilled to offer this opportunity to help Missouri high schools overcome financial barriers and ensure equitable access to college fairs for all students. On this page, you will find everything you need to know about the grant, including our mission and vision, eligibility requirements, the application, and the memorandum of understanding that outlines the expectations for participating schools.

We encourage you to explore the information provided and take advantage of this valuable resource to support your students' college aspirations. If you're ready to take the next step, click the "Apply Now" button to begin your application. We look forward to partnering with you to guarantee that every high school student has access to regional college fairs!


Apply Now
Volunteer for the Ad Hoc Committee
Regional College Fair List and Information


Please direct all questions to our Professional Development Chairs at [email protected] or our Treasurer Team [email protected]


Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the MOACAC College Fair Access Grant?

The MOACAC College Fair Access Grant is a program designed to help Missouri high schools overcome financial barriers to attending regional college fairs. The grant provides funding to cover transportation costs, ensuring that all students have the opportunity to explore their higher education options.

2. Who is eligible to apply for the grant?

The grant is open to all Missouri high schools, with priority given to schools in rural or underserved areas with limited access to college fairs. The high school counselor coordinating the trip must be a current MOACAC member. If you are new to MOACAC and need financial assistance to cover your High School Counselor Membership, contact our Membership Team at [email protected]

3. What expenses does the grant cover?

The grant covers transportation costs to and from MOACAC regional college fairs, including bus rental fees and driver expenses. The grant will also cover any expenses associated with having a MOACAC Committee member come to present to your students about StriveScan and the college search process.

4. How do I apply for the grant?

You can apply for the grant by completing the online application form available on the MOACAC website. The application requires information about your school, financial need, and plans for maximizing student participation in the college fair. Click here, or on the Apply Now button near the top of the page, to access the application.

5. What is the deadline to apply?

The application deadline is a rolling deadline, as MOACAC prioritizes access to regional college fairs for Missouri students. However, to ensure adequate time for scheduling the required presentation by an Ad Hoc Committee member and completing StriveScan registration for all students, we recommend applying well in advance of the regional college fair you wish to attend. Please submit your application at your earliest convenience to secure your spot and allow for seamless coordination.

6. How are grant recipients selected?

A selection committee will review all applications and select recipients based on the criteria outlined in the grant guidelines. Priority will be given to schools with demonstrated financial need, a commitment to student participation, and those located in underserved areas.

7. What are the expectations for schools that receive the grant?

Schools that receive the grant are expected to:

  • Register all participating students through StriveScan at least two weeks before the college fair.
  • Arrange for an Ad Hoc Committee member to conduct a presentation for students about the college search process.
  • Make every effort to fill the bus to capacity, including inviting students from neighboring schools if space allows.
  • Complete a feedback form after attending the college fair.

8. What is the MOACAC Ad Hoc Committee?

The Ad Hoc Committee is a group of dedicated MOACAC members, primarily college representatives, who volunteer their time and expertise to support the College Fair Access Grant initiative. Their mission is to enhance the college fair experience for students and maximize the impact of the grant by:

  • Delivering engaging presentations: Committee members visit participating high schools to educate students about the college search process, equipping them with the knowledge and tools to make informed decisions about their future.
  • Assisting with StriveScan: They help students set up and utilize their StriveScan accounts, enabling them to connect with college representatives and explore various higher education options.
  • Providing guidance and support: Committee members serve as a resource for students and counselors, answering questions and offering guidance throughout the college fair preparation process.
  • Collaborating with schools: They work closely with high school counselors to tailor the college fair experience to the specific needs and interests of their students.

The Ad Hoc Committee plays a vital role in ensuring that the College Fair Access Grant achieves its goal of promoting college access and success for all Missouri students. Their dedication and expertise help to level the playing field and empower students to make informed decisions about their future. For more information or to volunteer for your region please complete the Ad Hoc Committee Application.

9. What if I have more questions?

If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact MOACAC. We are here to help you navigate the application process and ensure your students have the opportunity to attend a MOACAC regional college fair.

For questions about joining the Ad Hoc Committee, please contact [email protected]

For questions about Regional College Fairs, please contact [email protected]

For general questions about the grant, please contact [email protected]



Mission and Vision


The MOACAC College Fair Access Grant is dedicated to removing financial barriers that prevent students from attending college fairs. By providing transportation assistance, we aim to ensure equitable access to these crucial events and empower students to explore their higher education options. 


We envision a future where all Missouri students, regardless of location or financial background, have the opportunity to participate in college fairs. Through the MOACAC College Fair Access Grant, we strive to:

· Increase student awareness of diverse colleges.

· Facilitate meaningful interactions between students and admissions counselors by preparing them with all the necessary resources to be successful in the college search process.

· Reduce financial burdens on schools for transporting students to college fairs.

· Foster a collaborative network of support between MOACAC and our high school partners by providing resources and financial assistance to ensure equitable access to the college search process for all Missouri students.


The MOACAC College Fair Access Grant recognizes the significant challenges faced by schools in providing college fair access to their students. College fairs offer invaluable opportunities for students to:

· Learn about a variety of colleges and universities.

· Gather information on academic programs, financial aid, and scholarships.

· Meet with admissions representatives and ask questions directly.

By investing in student participation in college fairs, we are investing in their futures. Increased college fair access can lead to:

· Higher college enrollment rates for students in Missouri.

· Improved college and career readiness among participating students.

· A more informed and empowered student population prepared for success after high school.

The MOACAC College Fair Access Grant is a critical step towards creating a level playing field and ensuring all Missouri students have the chance to pursue their educational dreams.

Additionally, the increased attendance at MOACAC Regional College Fairs will attract more colleges to participate, providing students with even greater exposure to diverse higher education options. This initiative aligns with MOACAC's mission to support students throughout the college selection process and foster stronger connections between educational institutions and the communities they serve. MOACAC understands that we have some of the most talented students here in the State of Missouri and we want to lead the way in making sure our students are represented across the nation and internationally at colleges and universities.

Selection Criteria

In alignment with MOACAC's mission to promote college access and success for all Missouri students, the College Fair Access Grant will prioritize schools that demonstrate the following criteria:

1. Financial Need: Schools with limited financial resources to cover transportation costs for college fairs will be given priority. This will be determined by the school's reported financial limitations and the distance to the regional college fair.

2. Commitment to Student Participation: Schools that demonstrate a strong commitment to maximizing student participation in college fairs will be favored. This includes a willingness to fill the bus to capacity, including students from neighboring schools if necessary.

3. Geographic Location: Priority will be given to schools located in rural or underserved areas with limited access to college fairs and resources.

4. School Counselor Membership: The high school counselor responsible for coordinating the college fair trip must be a current MOACAC member.

5. Demonstrated Need: Schools that can articulate the specific challenges their students face in accessing college fairs and how the grant would address those needs will be given strong consideration.

Additional Factors:

· School Size: While not a primary factor, smaller schools may be given priority to ensure that the grant reaches a diverse range of educational institutions.

· First-Time Applicants: Schools that have not previously received the grant may be given preference to expand the program's reach.

· Alignment with MOACAC Goals: Schools that demonstrate alignment with MOACAC's strategic goals, such as promoting equity and access in college admissions, will be viewed favorably.

· School Counselor Support: School counselors who demonstrate a passion for the grant and an openness to receive additional future support from MOACAC, as well as a willingness to be an active member of MOACAC moving forward, will be viewed favorably.

The selection committee will review all applications holistically, considering the specific context and needs of each school. The goal is to distribute the grant funding equitably and maximize the impact on student access to college fairs across Missouri.